Our stars!

Date: 18/1/2018 |

The "Stars" (Kochavim) met for the first time! people with special needs that play games and practice together with the Mamanet leagues throughout the country. Our stars came from a hostel in Beit Horesh, of the Kochav Center Organization, from Adaman - a foster home for children and families, and from Kfar Idud - a special home for people with special needs to meet and for a extraordinary sports experience at the active Olympic experience visitor's center. Mamanet coaches, the Israeli Flying Disk Association (IFDA) and soccer practice, integrating social skills for children and youth - the Golden Gate, operated sports stations with a variety of activities for 150 stars. Shimon Amsalem closed out the day with "To Win and Remain a Person", a charming lecture. Thanks to all of the partners along the way.
Natali, the Beit Horesh hostel representative says: "There was a warm and pleasant reception, all the time around us and getting us moving, and taking care of things. There was crazy energy. The stations were interesting. Lunch was tasty. The lecture with Shimon Amsalem was good. They handed out medals and
trophies. It was an enjoyable and fun experience. Thank you."

  • Info.mamanet@gmail.com
  • Office: +972 3-637-3437