Mamanet league is the largest social-sports organization that was established in Israel targeting Mothers specifically. It was established in 2005 and has since spread to thousands of players across Israel and the world.
Mamanet invites you to a once in a lifetime experience as part of the CSIT MAMANET SINGLE CHAMPIONSHIPS (International Workers and Amateurs in Sports Confederation) which will take place in Cervia, Italy.
This major event edition will be organized by CSIT member union AICS – Associazione Italiana Cultura Sport. This four-day event will take place in the summer between June 8th and 12th , 2022.
In 2015, Mamanet was invited to present its activities as part of the World Sports Games in Lignano, Italy.
At the end of the games, Mamanet was recognized by CSIT as an official sport and in 2017 the 1st Mamanet tournament took place in the World Sports Games that were held in Riga, Latvia. in 2019 the 2nd Mamanet World Sports Games that were held in Tortosa, Spain.
This is the first time that a single Mamanet tournament will be held and we are happy to be hosted by one of the biggest Mamanet leagues in the world.
The host union from AICS organizes for the participants a sportive, cultural and Socially unique experience.
The Mamanet Games will be held in the coastal town of Cervia at Emilia Romagna Region

watch Mamanet clip from World Sports Games, Riga 2017
More info about Emilia Romagna Region
Venue: Cervia, Italy
Date: June 8th - 12th, 2022
Registration: On Mamanet website until April 15, 2022
Please note, registration is on a first come first serve base
Rules of the: game Mamanet official rules of the game
Regulation: Mamanet CSIT official Regulation
Mothers of any age and women 30 years old and over.
Public transportation: The organizing committee will provide a free transportation to and from the venues
Hotel: 4-star Hotel, full board
Hotel details will be announced soon
Sport Venue: Venue details will be announced soon
Insurance: Each participant is responsible for obtaining Covid 19 insurance
Each participant is responsible for obtaining insurance that cover sports activities and all other risks during the games.
Arrival: On your own
Transportation to and from Bologna Airport available for 50 € per person
Cost For players: 4-star hotel
- 3-4 beds - 450 €
- double - 490 €
- single - 570 €
Your payment includes:
4-star hotel, full board four nights, registration fee for the tournament, participation in Mamanet activities and events.
Registration cannot be completed if a player is not registered for Mamanet web site. A player who is not registered on Mamanet website will be charged an additional fee of 80€
The price in shekels will be determined according to the high exchange rate on the day of payment
Final approval for registration will be sent only once completed full payment and final approval from the tournament organizers.
Cancelation policy:
- If you cancel your registration until April 9, 2022 you will get full refunds.
- Cancellation between 9 April 2022 and 8 May 2022 will refunds 50%
- Last minute cancellation between 9 May 2022 and 25 May 2022 will refunds 20%
- Any cancellation later than 25 May 2022, no refunds
CSIT - Mamanet Technical committee:
Mr. Ziv Sedbon
Mrs. Monica Zibellini
Mamanet Administration:
Mrs. Sigal Amir

Looking forward to seeing you!
Professional Committee Director: Mr. Ziv Sedbon
Mamanet Chairwoman: Mrs. Ofra Abramovich
Mamanet C.E.O: Mrs. Karin Eines