Women of the Decade Award in Community Leadership
Israeli pride on International Mother's Day: All Ladies League awarded the prestigious Woman of the Decade Award for Social Leadership to Ofra Abramovich, Founder and Chairwomen of Mamanet
All Ladies League has awarded the founder and chairman of Mamanet - the Mother League, Ofra Abramovich, the prestigious "Women of the Decade in Community Leadership" award. The award ceremony was held at the Women's Economic Forum (WEF), which is currently taking place in New Delhi, India, on the topic “Creating, Innovating, Understanding and Driving the Future”.
The ALL organization, founded three years ago, is a global platform for organizations from around the world who make a difference for women in all walks of life. It has 20,000 members in 300 branches around the world.
More than 2,000 representatives and speakers from 150 countries are participating in the conference, including leading and influential MPs, social leaders, and representatives from international companies that provide equal opportunities for women around the world, such as Facebook, Google, BMW, Teach India and others.
As part of the conference, representatives of Mamanet held a seminar that raised awareness of the social and physical awareness of mothers, and held several meetings with representatives of various organizations from around the world who are interested in establishing Mamanat leagues in their countries.
Ofra Abramovich, founder and chairman of Mamanet and winner of the prestigious award said: "Today is a very exciting day. The prize I received is not my prize, it is the prize of all of us. Of all the wonderful mothers who are part of the Mamanet family. It has a unique meaning for me receive this award on International Mother's Day. "

Women Economic Forum - mamanet 10/5/17 - Video
Frau des Jahrzehnts Award für soziale Führung zu Ofra Abramovich
A network for empowering mothers through sports / Hindustan Times, 14/5/2017
Photos: Yosi Lazarof